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Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 5, 2016

Kings French Villa Office Cosplay Dalat Vietnam

Kings French Villa Office Cosplay
Dalat Vietnam
©by Richard D. Fisher

Most of the classic French Villas of Dalat Vietnam now been mostly resored during the past several years 2010-2014. This Villa I have been told 
it is the last King of Vietnam, Bao Dai's office. So far there is no literature the place that I can find. Before and during restoration we have used 
it for a Cosplay game location frequently.  Lot's of adventures and fun if all were told.  No matter, maybe in the future we will dress our models 
in the classic French dresses that were popular in the 1930's Vietnam when the office was actually in use?

Cosplay in the French Villa Office of the last Kings of Vietnam Bao Dai

Playing Cosplay down the back stairs from the kitchen up to the second story Kings office overlooking Dalat.

Interesting design placement for Cosplay Villa Window.

View up the Cosplay Stairs in the Kings Villa.

Blue Cosplay in the Kings Villa office.

Window in the Kings Villa now for the Cosplay Game.

Golden Shoes and a big happy smile in a fantasy Cosplay Villa.

Beauty Coplay fit for a Kings Girl?

Real Cosplay Villa Restored
​Before restoration of the Kings Garden Dalat Vietnam. View of the north east corner of the building.
I loved the untamed long grasses, trees and garden flowers gone wild for decades before restoration was completed in 2014.

Two views of the north entry of the Villa, King Cosplay Umbrella Girls.

Front lit Backlit window action in Cosplay Villa.

Cosplay is hard work modeling and needs teamwork and gentle guidance.

French Villa Office of the last King at last restored.  Cosplay game location until the tourist hordes move in?

The Kings south entryway in his almost fully restored Dalat Villa Office.​

What is Cosplay Indochina?
© Richard D. Fisher

In Cosplay Indochina we focus on the highest quality photography in extremely challenging lighting conditions in a travel and nature setting using almost entirely traditional fairy's, elves, gelflings, fashion angels and umbrella girls characters. In addition to Cosplay in Nature, we feature the Cosplay game in authentic ancient buildings  as at Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia and abandoned French Villas in Vietnam. Cosplay has been very creative in Japan and South Korea but is now spreading throughout southeast Asia and well beyond as a youth culture as a wildly popular creative costume game. Our web art presentation also features many diverse areas such as Fairy Canyon Mui Ne and abandoned ancient wild gardens and Crazy House in Dalat, sunflowers and waterfalls  of Vietnam and waterfalls and Palace jungle forest of Siem Reap Cambodia. We have just added a Motorcycle Cosplay Umbrella Girls to our costume game line up a with restored as well as ultra modern bikes that are so popular in Vietnam and southeast Asia. Umbrella Girls have been a fashion fixture at Motorcycle Races for decades but as far as we know this is the first take off on the Motorcycle Umbrella Girls theme in Cosplay internatonal.

Cosplay actually started at the 1st World Science Fiction convention in New York, 1939 in the USA but the name was coined by Japanese in 1984 at a sci fi convention in Los Angeles!  From those historical roots the costume game took off and has become a world wide phenomenon.

Cosplay is becoming the Hollywood of Asia and one of the most popular youth games along with computer games and anime comics from where many Cosplay themes emerge.

It has been said that no matter what your age, race, culture, height or weight, skill level, you can cosplay who ever you want and look amazing doing it! I especially like the part about what ever your age as an ancient cosplay photographer.

Cosplay Indochina does not do conventions and avoids magna content. While our models, costumes and settings are exceptionally beautiful and might be described even as "sexy" by some, we stay strictly within all international and local legal and fashion norms for all age groups.

We make most of our costumes from scratch and mostly follow the fairy and elf  theme. Lucky for us the fairy, Âu Có, was the mother of the Vietnamese people and we see her daughters all over Vietnam today!

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