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Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 5, 2016

Cosplay Art hits a Brick Wall

©by Richard D. Fisher

The Cosplay artist saw an abandoned architectural opening into origionally shaped fantisy dream world. The mason saw a brick wall. What to do? Cosplay it!

The Cosplayer surmounts the bricks and the imagination of the brick wall man in a lovely and inspiring way?

The Cosplay Artist view into the reality of a lovely arching opening.

The masons view into a red brick wall reality. The story of an artist challenge in life? .

What caused all of this uproar? This photograph? Or who knows what?
This place is one of the lower level buildings with an extreem amount of damage and probably not worth restoring, The house next door
was designed with the same architectural features and is in much better condition.
Does anyone know the design origins of this window style?  I would love to know! It is such a lovely arched opening.

Many of the ruins of abandoned French Villa ruins have been restored during my sojourn in Dalat, Vietnam. I have been so lucky to
photograph here in this wonderful place during this inspiring time. Working with the local college kids as models and assistants  has been a
great educational adventure  for all. And Fun! I complement the DALAT Tourism Department for all that they have done so very well here!
This photograph is for our next upcomming chapter on the restoration of the Villa Home of the last King of Vietnam.

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